The Beginning

GRAFIMETAL is a company born in 2010, as a result of the technical requirement that the market for chemical corrosion equipment requires and with the aim of offering the market a safe and effective option in the acquisition of equipment, for the aforementioned application.

The road began with the representation of tefloned equipment, impregnated graphite, silicum carbide, tantalum and rupture discs. Within a few months the product lines were diversified, trying to offer more global solutions to the demands of our clients, representing equipment in borosilicate glass 3.3, glass lined and Ni alloys. At the same time and, given the close collaboration with professionals in the Chemistry sector, we started the collaboration with manufacturers of centrifuges for solid-liquid separation, vacuum dryers (of blades and biconical) and Nustche Filters. GRAFIMETAL is a growing company and we have recently focused our efforts on the establishment of a manufacturing, maintenance and repair workshop for anti-corrosion industrial equipment. We collaborate with companies of recognized prestige, guaranteeing our good work.

Our mission

Offer global solutions to specific problems.

Our vision

The satisfaction of our customers.


Personalized service. Optimal cost / technology ratios. Sustainable growth.